Project: Woburn Sands South



Local Planning Authority

Milton Keynes Council

Our client’s land is allocated in the local plan (Plan:MK) for Milton Keynes City Council as part of the South East Milton Keynes Urban Extension (SEMK). The proposal is for 335 homes, with the layout of the scheme being in compliance with the SEMK SPD. We submitted an outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access. 

An outline planning permission was submitted in 2022, with an additional round of consultation occurring after the initial consultee feedback, as amendments were required to ensure consultees were satisfied. 

We worked as main consultant, attending meetings with different technical officers from the council, as well as producing the planning material required for the planning application. We also attended parish council meetings and other community group meetings on behalf of our client to engage with the local community for this large scale project.

Our Services

  • Analysis of national, regional and local planning policy
  • Desktop analysis of neighbouring land uses, site constraints and opportunities
  • Review and engagement with stakeholders and local residents
  • Review and analysis of previous planning applications
  • Lead consultant co-ordinating multi-disciplinary teams in the preparation of the outline planning application.
  • Working in partnership with planning officers to resolve objections to an application and to ensure that only necessary conditions are imposed on a permission.
  • Reviewing draft planning conditions for their clarity, relevance and compliance with regulations.
  • Negotiating and reviewing Section 106 Agreements

Source: EDP


We attended the committee meeting where the application was being determined. The scheme was granted approval, and further reserved matters will begin being prepared post sign off of the section 106 agreement.