Project: Claydon Estate


Claydon Estate

Local Planning Authority

Buckinghamshire Council

Claydon Courtyard surrounds the Grade I listed property of Claydon House, located in Buckinghamshire. The courtyard hosts a range of shops and businesses. We worked on planning applications for two of the old staff residences to be converted into office space, as our client’s goal is to attract a wider range of businesses to diversify the courtyard and form a business park. 

Both of the buildings involved are listed buildings. As there was no proposed change to the interior of the buildings, no adverse impacts as a result of the proposals would be created. We produced a planning and heritage statement to ensure that this was conveyed to the planning officer and other consultees who would be considering the application.

Our Services

  • Site visit to establish context, amenity, visual impact and harm
  • Desktop analysis of neighbouring land uses, site constraints and opportunities
  • Analysis of national, regional and local planning policy
  • Review and analysis of previous planning applications
  • Project management – recommending technical teams to assist with core tasks, preparing brief, obtaining quotes and making recommendations to clients.
  • Preparing location and block plans for planning applications.


We secured planning permission for the change of use from residential to office space for both listed properties.